Thursday, December 15, 2011

Florentines from Inside the Jewish Bakery

I am participating in a cookbook challenge on Each week we are baking one recipe from Inside the Jewish Bakery by Ginsberg and Berg. This week's challenge recipe was florentines. These are delicate lacy cookies with melted chocolate in the middle. The cookies were not that hard to make, but took just about every surface I had that could be used as a cookie sheet, including the pizza pan to bake the whole batch. The only caveat is you need to work fast when dropping teaspoons of hot cookie 'goo' onto the parchment lined baking sheets. You also need to let the cookies rest on the parchment but off the hot cookie sheet for a few minutes before you attempt to move them to the cooling racks. Here's a picture of my rendition of this recipe. (PS. they are sweet and tasty - and oh so addictive).

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