Sunday, March 10, 2013

Brie to Go with all that Bread

Saturday, Michael and I took 2 gallons of milk and made 2 lbs. of brie cheese, 4 small ones and 1 large wheel.  After their long overnight rest at 74F, I salted them this morning and put them into their plastic containers.  They are resting on the counter in the kitchen, so they can dry out some more before going into the 'cheese cave'. 

This was our first go at brie cheese and it went well, I think.  We will know better in 10-15 days.  The only problem we had, per se, was the fact that there were not enough holes in the small brie molds that we made so the whey didn't drain quickly.  Thus, we ended up with 4 rather flat mini-bries and one regular sized 7 inch wheel (oh boo-hoo!).  Michael will add more holes to the molds for the next go around in a 2 weeks or so.

Without further ado (drum roll, please) - here they are resting comfortably--

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